About Us

About Us

The Association mainly focuses on these areas:

  • Castle Street
  • Long Garden Walk
  • Park Row
  • Beaufort Yard
  • Castle Hill
  • The Borough and Lowndes Buildings

While these are our main areas, we want to provide helpful information to anyone living in the center of Farnham. Additionally, some of our members have businesses in Farnham.

Even though our name suggests otherwise, we want to make sure we address any issues that affect nearby businesses fairly. This means we support all our members, whether they're residents only or both residents and business owners.

How we help.

We want you to know that we've got your back when it comes to making our neighbourhood the best it can be. Here's what we're usually up to on behalf of all our members:

  • Your Voice Matters: When it comes to those big planning decisions that affect our community, we're there to make sure your voice is heard. We take your concerns seriously and bring them to the table.
  • While we encourage all members to use the official channels to comment on planning or consultations, please also make us aware of any concerns so we can champion your efforts through our direct channels.
  • We will ensure that what you bring to us is actioned, our 'In Progress' page will keep you up to date on the latest issues we are working on. We rely on our members to make us aware of what might need further investigation or thought, so please get in touch.

  • Parking Solutions: We're keeping an eye on parking policies and issues that might make finding a spot a hassle. Our goal is to find solutions that make parking easier for everyone. As you will soon see from the Archive - coming soon -, parking has been a topic at the top of the list for the CSRA for quite some time.

  • Working Together: We're in close contact with Local Associations and Councillors, both at the Borough and County levels. This way, we're building bridges and making sure our community's needs are front and centre. We aim to ensure that we represent the majority of the members, both our residents and those that may own businesses in our community. You will often see surveys sent through our mailing list so we can get the best information to take the best action.

    You can find updates under the 'In Progress' Heading at the top of the website !

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