Community Hub

Helping connect you to the local community.

Events & Activities

Welcome to our  community hub where we'll be sharing all the fantastic upcoming events for our street and surrounding area!

We're committed to celebrating the already existing places where you can find the most up to date information and want to make sure you stay informed about all the happenings, so we've got some great resources listed below for you to explore and stay up-to-date with the latest events.

Click a Title below to go to the website.

For anything else, please follow the Drop Downs in the top bar for other sections such as New to the Street, Our Associations & Local Organisations & Key Contacts & Links.

Member Socials

Outside of the yearly CSRA AGM & Social.

Our members are known for their hospitality and great community spirit. More than a few have offered to host street socials are their humble abodes.

Want to host a street social ? Let us help :)

Let us get the word out!

Grab a seat

We are still building the hub and need your ideas !

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