The Association

After the dissolution of the previous committee in 2022, a special general meeting was held to decide on forming a new committee. 

In January 2023, we successfully hosted our inaugural Annual General Meeting and Social event. While the new approach received positive feedback, we're committed to continuously improving. 

To help keep committee meetings and management easier, our committee consists of a maximum of seven members.

Currently, with four members, we're actively searching for a Secretary. This role will oversee [email protected], directing inquiries to the appropriate team member, capture and producing of minutes of our meetings and being the central contact for the community.

Our flat structure grants equal powers to all members, each with a primary role but one vote in meetings. Operating on a meritocratic model, every idea moves forward through individual approaches. If you want to move something forward, we want you to have the agency and autonomy to do that.

To maintain tradition, we still retain the roles of Chair, Treasurer and Signatory. Though, the chair's role is primarily to serve as a spokesperson for the committee in communications with other organisations and associations, as well as the responsibility of opening our annual meetings.

The committee is fluid in these roles to ensure we can balance life and its changing priorities. Aside from the treasurer, we can decide that someone else take over another part at any committee meeting if needed.

This allows new perspectives and techniques to constantly move us forward and ensure we change with the world and community around us. If you are interested in joining the committee, please get in touch.

More Coming Soon.



Role: Co-Chair
Secondary Responsibilities:
Website Editor, Mailing List Management



Role: Co-Chair

Secondary Responsibilities: Farnham Society Key Contact


Role: Signatory
Secondary Responsibilities:



Role: Treasurer

Secondary Responsibilities: Parking & Permits Lead



Role: Committee Events
Secondary Responsibilities:
Member Management, Community Contact



Role: Secretary
Secondary Responsibilities:

Committee Notes, Minutes, Email Management, Mailing List Management & Central Contact for [email protected]

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