

May 2024

The FIP team has released their decision report and assets following the consultation. These are linked here.

We are working with the various teams to give you the best update coming shortly.

September 2023

Conversations with Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP have lead us to new discussions with Tom Horwood at Waverley, and Ian Reynolds, Parking Enforcement Team Leader at Surrey Highways & Transport.

July 2023

Following the petition being brought forward at a FIP consultation meeting, we were contacted to discuss and ensure understanding of the ask.

We had a meeting with George Hesse and Andy Macleod to determine the next steps and ensure that the petition was correctly understood. The petition accompanying documents were resent directly to ensure clarity.

The effort to have progress on this is being lead by Andy Macleod at Surrey County Council.

February 2023

Following submission, the consideration passed the first stage. 

This is where checks are done against what is being asked for to ensure that it has not been asked for before and formally declined in previous considerations.

The submitters were cautious to ensure the ask was not a repetition and, more so, was a concise ask of the minimum viable amount that would give the members a better outcome. 

Following the review early in 2023, the petition considerations have been moved to the FIP team and integrated into their ongoing consultation. 

We are actively chasing this to get an update on the outcomes. 

Further, we have contacted various council parties to understand what hoops need jumping through for other parking improvements, such as allowing Zone A residents to park in a selection of bays in the nearby surrounding car parks to mitigate the displacement issues in the Zones. 

November 2022

Following the formation of the new committee, one of the first issues some of the committee had already engaged in was parking.

It is widely accepted that parking is a problem, which has been an active topic in the AGM for many years. 

It was decided if there was to be changes, the petition would ensure it followed the processes set out by the council. Each cycle, anyone can submit issues related to Parking, Permits, Zones etc. Consideration requires that you represent a large enough body of evidence and majority, such as a petition.

This needed to get submitted by November! 

Around 70+ of the CSRA members were happy to support and sign this petition within only two weeks which was successfully submitted for consideration.

Were there more time, the submission would likely have garnered more signatures than possible in just those two weeks.

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