Contacts & Links

Key Contacts & Links

Your Councillors

Waverley Borough Council &
Farnham Town Council

Please find below our key councillors who oversee Castle Ward.

Report an Issue to Surrey County Council

Here are some important links to portals where you can report or file a complaint regarding commonly mentioned issues that we hear from members.

Although the committee is happy to provide assistance when necessary, it is recommended that you first utilise official channels to raise your concerns, as the council is unable to tend to matters that they do not know about.

Surrey Report Portal has various categories.

For Pot Holes, you can also use Fix my Street.

Planning & Notice

There are various places to get notices on planning, road closures and other notifications.

One Network

Live Map Here

The Farnham Herold

Public Notice Portal

Waverley Planning Portal

Search the Planning Portal

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