Speed Calming

Speed Calming

January 2024

FIP Team and Council have confirmed in our regular sync that the temporary fixtures at the top of the street are now in place with signage to signal new speed changes. This is a temporary addition that will be used to determine if the speed calming measures and changes are useful or if further changes are required.

The results of the surveying done with our members were previously shared in 2023 and have been mentioned to the FIP for consideration.

September 2023

At the Farnham Infrastructure Programme board meeting on  September 15th, the board confirmed that the 20mph limit in the town centre would be starting their works on October 5th, and is scheduled to be completed by the 23rd October 2023.

June - September 2023

As many of our members will know, the Councils are actively working toward safer and calmer streets. Part of this Speed Calming plan involves introducing better signage across the town.

We surveyed our members in the middle of the year to ensure we had a good sample set of the thoughts of the street, following which, we collated the results and shared these via our mailing list and with George Hesse and our key ward Councillors.

Rest assured, these ideas and thoughts have been taken forward and are actively being considered in the current FIP consultations. While there is not direct commitment on all the points, we have seen these ideas reflected in some recent FIP amendments.

We expect these to be shared by the FIP team in due course and thank all of you who participated in our survey.

Elaine Martin May 2023 Update

Farnham Infrastructure Programme (FIP) Manager-Environment, Transport & Infrastructure Directorate at SCC

The proposed extent of 20 mph speed limit on Castle Hill for Phase 1 of the town centre scheme has been identified to provide consistency of speed limit and align the proposals with best practice to contribute to an effective positive change of character and improved accessibility throughout the area.


A study was undertaken in December 2020 to understand issues caused by speeding vehicles in Farnham and surrounding areas and identify how they might be addressed. Details of the Speed Study undertaken can be found in the Speed Study report, which was submitted to the Farnham Board in January 2021.

See Item 5 - 20 mph Review - Annex A - Speed Study

The proposed 20mph speed limit in Farnham town centre which will come into effect this summer, once implemented it will be monitored and SCC will look to the opportunity of a Phase 2 plan, plus the possibility of a ‘20mph town’. The 20mph speed limits and town centre improvements would make a significant difference to traffic speed throughout Farnham and provide a more controlled traffic environment within the town centre. 


More information on managing speeds on Surrey’s roads can be found here:  Managing speeds on Surrey’s roads - Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk)


With regards to speeding vehicles, Community Speed Watch is a scheme managed by Surrey Police to allow volunteers to monitor the speed of passing vehicles using a hand-held speed detection device. The volunteers record the details of speeding vehicles, and then the police will issue a letter to the vehicle owner, advising them of the dangers of speeding, and reminding them of the law.

Further action will be undertaken by the police for repeat offenders. Training and equipment are provided by the police who will also undertake an assessment of suitable locations for the volunteers to operate from.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Surrey Police.

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